These are the cookies that might be set by the site, mostly you should get any set but if you login or you switch language you will do.
So if you block cookies from this site you will be fine you just won’t be able to login and it might be a bit annoying if you want to switch languages
Occasionally you might get some cookies set by embedded content like a youtube video sorry we don’t have any control over those.
Name | Expires | Example value | Purpose |
wordpress_test_cookie | End of session | WP+Cookie+check | Check if your browser accepts cookies |
pll_language | End of session | “en” or “it” | Stores your chosen language |
wordpress_logged_in_ 1d95fdc9f5fe17db3704056ccdf069d9 | End of session | Trevor%7C1543579 016%7CieZStbB1D a01ZncpfmGCZRkY PpFJWL43aJf7QIk YqjP%7C036c379b c9bbd938d2e67df ec81442c6ff1ddd e0bc643ac6d08ab 629005252e8 | Stores that your logged in. |
wp-settings-time-{number} | End of session | 1543406295 | Stores logged in view option preferences. |